Pokemon GO!

Pokemon GO!

Pokemon GO

Akhir-akhir ini tidak jarang kita temui orang-orang yang bermain game AR (Augmented Reality) “Pokemon GO” yang uniknya tidak hanya dimainkan oleh kalangan anak-anak, namun remaja hingga dewasa pun tidak luput dari permainan baru yang dirilis oleh Nintendo dan Niantic ini. Berikut beberapa screenshot dari game Pokemon GO tersebut : Continue reading

iPhone Tips : Make your iPhone charging faster

iPhone Tips : Make your iPhone charging faster

Make your iPhone charging faster

In some situation or condition maybe you are in hurry that should recharge your phone faster. Below some tips to fast charging your iPhone

1. Turn on airplane mode

Airplane mode help the charging time faster, maybe twice? With the airplane mode where the carrier and wifi turned off it help the battery charging going faster. Also don’t use the phone while the charging so the battery charge faster.

2. Turn off your iPhone

The old way is turn off your phone. By turned it off, the phone will charge more faster than in the on position.

3. Close the opened app

Sometimes we opened some apps together and not to closed it all then make our phone warm or hot because they’re still running on the background. Simply push the home button twice, and slide up/down to each app that you not used anymore to keep the memory used and battery used lower.

Maybe just it the tips that I can share to you, if you have another tips and trick about charging the iPhone, please kindly write in the comment box to share with us. Have a nice day!

image source: here